Is this complete negligence or criminal? I can't get over this. I'm so mad that I feel violent these days when I think of Fineqia. I'm really, really angry with Bundeep. Look at this eyesore on the last MD&A:
Page 20 During the lcar ended September 30. 2021. the Compan\ madc a further investrnent in Nivaura Limited of 1.3.1-l sharcs for $52.0+-+ (t29.9911) at the market price of $38.72 (L22.32). During the fifteen months ended December 3l. 2022 thc CompaN recorded its invcstmcnt in Nivaura Limited aI a fair value of $Nil. resulting in an unrealiz-ed loss of $746.982 upon remeasurement. In the thrce months ended March 3i. 2023 the full ilncstmcnt in Nivaura Limited has been writte n off as the Comp:ury is bcing dissolved.
During the ycar cnded September 30, 2021, the Company sold its inveslment in I)(L PremIina Limited for $269.837 (t 158.2 l5) and rccognized a loss of$76.168.
1. Just to reiterate. The company right now is trying to raise $1M. But this same company blew $$750,000 on Nivaura . Wasted our time. Making press releases. All to write if off to zero, yet its founder is now on our filings getting shares in our company. Masively diluting us after he sells assets to NowCM which were funded by our blood and sweat. And we got zero. YOu have no idea the kind of justice and retribution I want to inflict on this company.
2. They wasted our time with Bundeep's own company. PremFina. Sell it to a mystery buyer for a loss. Bundeep sells the company soon later, and he's eating Lobster, parting around the world, taking money from people.
I'm just so angry I can't see straight right now.