Post by
michelleb33 on Apr 28, 2018 9:25am
November lows
there is about 30 or.more canabis stocks currently at november prices. How come lib is one of the ones that diddnt follow that suit? Its not like they put out any big NRs. We were in 20 cent range in november. Any thoughts?
Comment by
fortunetelller on Apr 28, 2018 11:19am
You are grasping at straws. Clawing your way out. Up shiit creek without a paddle. In a sinking boat. And you know what happens when the ship gets too many rats on it ? It sinks....
Comment by
Buster146 on Apr 28, 2018 12:14pm
Yes sell sell sell your shares nothing happening with this company right? Lol fk if your did your DD like me put your shares for sale at 5.00 for three months and relax. Like really the biggest most lucrative market is about to become legal in Canada....enough said for now. go LIB go!
Comment by
michelleb33 on Apr 28, 2018 1:48pm
i have put my shares 3.00 and listdned to your posti g on tbat before. Im just wandering why we are holding up.better than alot of other pot companies . Its a good thing.
Comment by
rcash1 on Apr 28, 2018 6:13pm
Correct it's a good thing and the simple answer is financing. There's limited cheap paper . Like I said before , same reason it's blue sky above it's thin on finacing ... I've called from summer this would hold up better then most ...
Comment by
michelleb33 on Apr 28, 2018 6:43pm
your name calling is not called for serendipity. As i prob have the most invested in this than any other investor on here i can ask questions
Comment by
Hobbes on Apr 28, 2018 10:05pm
Unless there's a post I missed, I'm pretty sure he was referring to fortureteller (the poster) in his remarks.
Comment by
michelleb33 on Apr 28, 2018 10:13pm
my mistake sorry serendipity. Didnt see that fortunetellers post. Clearly there is an agenda with him
Comment by
serendipidy on Apr 28, 2018 5:31pm
you need to get a new " handle". WORST fortune teller I've seen, but then again we all know fortune tellers are cockroaches preying in the weak