1. Why do we think JGT requested the psych evaluation in the first place? If anyone can shed light on JRL, his personality, demeanor, and behavior etc., it would be JGT. He must know after working with JRL for more than 12 years what he is dealing with. Did he want to open a can of worms? Did he want the world to understand what and whom he is dealing with? If he knows JRL as well as I think he does, how did he think this would advance this case in favor of JRL?
2. Who advanced the funds for this psych evaluation to take place? JGT must be ecstatic to get the money back from the psychiatrist, as he hasn't been properly paid for months from what I understand.
Is this the reason the money was only submitted at the end of Feb. for the psychiatrist, when the request for the evaluation was made last fall? Also I see the first meeting was to have taken place on Mar 2 between JRL and the Psychiatrist, which took place March 16. Did lack of funds delay the procedure? I also see only half of the original fee was advanced. Funding troubles?
Lastly, it looks like this Psychiatrist felt she needed a village to properly evaluate JRL? IMO, I can concur this is what she would have needed! She must have thought she got her hands on a good, live specimen for psychiatric research for a long time to come!