Pure Extracts ($PULL $PULL.C $PRXTF) is a plant-based extraction company focusing on cannabis and the psychedelic sector. Producing one of the purest and highest quality Full Spectrum Oils, they offer a wide range of products spanning from THC vape carts, blended THC and CBD vape carts, THC gummies and CBD gummies.
I found an interesting interview with the CEO of Pure Extracts from a few months ago regarding their expansion into Michigan, which we now know was insanely successful.
Notable points of the interview include:
- By consumption, Michigan is higher than any other state, with usage growing at 800%.
- Gummies sell extremely well in Canada as they attract new users
- New products will be launched in Canada and the US on a quarterly basis
Additionally, $PULL recently announced that they successfully expanded further into Western Canada and are now aiming to start their Ontario sales in the near future.
Positioned in both the cannabis (projected to reach $97B by 2026) and psychedelic sector (projected to reach $10.75B by 2027), $PULL is likely to see massive growth.
You can find the full interview here: