Post by
iknowiamgr8 on Nov 17, 2022 9:52am
Tusk begging for funds,
to settle debt settlement......DEBT SETTLEMENT??????.........WHAT?????? can these clowns be 179,000.00 in Debt with no funds in the bank?????......What happened to the 1.2 million dollars they had in the bank last fall as well as the $855,000.00 they raised in 3 separate private placements within the last year.......WHERE IS THAT 2.2 MILLION DOLLARS?????.......Surely they didn't spend that much on the BIMBOS they hired to do the face book ads.......or did they?????.......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......Good luck finding any SUCKERS to give them anymore funds after they blew through all the other money they raised with nothing to show for it......tskl tsk....Bye-Bye Tusk......
Comment by
CarlosDanger18 on Nov 17, 2022 9:57am
Halarious that it took DaveBlowsBest 3 days to read the most recent news release. Hahaha. Such an idiot.
Comment by
yigela31 on Nov 17, 2022 10:28am
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