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Trippedstocks on May 25, 2021 2:55pm
they want to complete the 1000 participants so they have the appropriate information for the next phase 3 study.... Infectious Diseases including COVID-19.... Bucillamine patent goes beyond one virus...
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1ottrunner on May 25, 2021 3:09pm
You can't have a successfully trial in an IND and transfer it to another. thus, false. Show me the Gout data. Start there.
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1ottrunner on May 25, 2021 3:11pm
By data I mean dollars. Show me the sales RVV has accumulated on the positive Gout results I've 'heard' about.
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1ottrunner on May 25, 2021 3:47pm
So you believe RVV will attempt flu next, maybe pneumonia. If the data on Covid was good I would agree. Might as well.
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RandomGuy1 on May 25, 2021 3:53pm
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RandomGuy1 on May 25, 2021 4:27pm
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Trippedstocks on May 25, 2021 4:39pm
pneumonia is a symptom of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. They would be targeting viruses with a similar structure and that cause similar symptoms.
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1ottrunner on May 25, 2021 5:07pm
The same method of action, thiol groups, has been shown effective against pneumonia. It isn't just a viral issue.
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Trippedstocks on May 25, 2021 5:13pm
I guess most infectious Diseases would be the goal. Pneumonia included then. Depends what falls under a disease I guess. if results are good It's a multi billion dollar drug within a short period. Depends on results. But to truly back up infectious Diseases patent they will need the study completed or DSMB to declare it good and call the study done
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1ottrunner on May 25, 2021 6:22pm
As you say, depends on results. Why no word on dosage? The split should have taken place.
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Towser7 on May 25, 2021 8:50pm
I've been long on this but does anyone honestly think anyone will care when the results come out? I don't even think it will be more than a blip in the news cycle. Unlike Gilead there's been almost zero coverage of this. This stock has reminded me that having a good product and being a good company does not equate to being a good stock. I hope I'm wrong.
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Trippedstocks on May 25, 2021 9:43pm
dosage would have been advised by the DSMB by the Feb 26 PR. But as MF has stated, it's all confidential during the study. I don't see how they could apply for EUA without having results publicized. Who knows. I still would like to see the other IP progress as per their own set milestones in the public investors deck.
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Trippedstocks on May 25, 2021 5:07pm
if results are good for the "worst" virus since the Spanish flu, why would you stop at that one virus. "Yep, got the big one... No way it will work on anything less infectious or less deadly." That's like saying a .30-30 wouldn't kill a skunk. Bit overkill but the bullets are cheap enough.