Comment by
dart321 on Nov 01, 2020 10:06pm
Hmm just reread the last news release. I guess HC did send it out for tests, they sent it to the National Microbiology lab for an evaluation. This is a lab setting so one would think they will be the same type of results as MRI Global lab did. Who is to say for certain, we share holders will have to wait for those results.
Comment by
Vancgatekeeper on Nov 01, 2020 10:25pm
lol, you sir are delusional, I cant believe you came back!!!!!! ALL YOUR POSTS ARE CNN LIES! - you pumped and left NPH,IZ CSI ISOL IMCX and now SONA your latest victim.... all went to zero.... you sir are disgusting!!! ITS CALLED FAKE NEWS CNN BOY!!!!! good luck TUESDAY CNN BOY!
Comment by
JohnFriesen on Nov 02, 2020 7:40am
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