Post by
Wangotango67 on Jul 04, 2021 11:25pm
Map will open at - Clan Lake
Mon Mine area - is approx ( 5.5 km ) SW
If one zooms in they'll see SXTY's open cut mine site - just east of Nelson Lake.
I wil lsay... the immediate outcrop just West of the open cut mine site looks very nice - appears
as if there's volcanics atop in main outcrop.
As mentioned prior -
I'm quite interested in the - Argilites -
Gold is quite often associated to this style of formation.
Volcanic sediment clays and - i guesss... it would explain away the greywacke presence.
Can one learn from a nearby peer ?
Hell, ya.
Gold Terra pperformed a sizable drill campaign last year, and i couldn't help but notice their
drill core pics - though they show the gold with in quartite - i would say, the larger percentage of cores appear to be - argilites -
When i see just one pic of quartz gold from Gold Terra, while the majority of other cores are the carbon style - i would lean towards - argilite gold - wink... ( tease |)
Gold Terra's photo gallery -
Reverting back to the ) mapcarta map )
It certainly looks like ( sxty ) is positioned in what appears to be a convergence zone.
Almost like - deformation zone.
Which can be seen if one zooms the map in a macro veiw - seems the western formation intruded into the eastern and ( sxty ) is positioned on this axis.
= Granites meet volcanics
= with perhaps an overlay that fringes this axis with - conglomerates.
I decided to scan a few other mines in the area....
I'm stil ltrying to find out the ore geology of the Con + Giant mines.
Greenstone is mentioned - but... i'd rather see the dril lcores - first hand.
Yes... i did mention pipes...
That is - when speaking of the Diavik Mine - North East of Yellowknikfe.
Diavik - spiral pipe mine.
Though a ways away, this Diamon Mine did pique my interest when i saw - the diamonds
were being mined in - 3 - 4 pipe style deposits. I like to call them - tornado depoists - whereas the targeted mineral or gem is contained in a twister spiral style deposit - isolate unto its own.
What kind of ore do the diamonds come from ?
Yip.... carbon style ores....
Which is quite similar to that if - Argilites.
Which is also carbon based.
Difference between Kimberlite + Argilite ?
I'd say, they're like cousins.
Both with distinct carbon - argilite appears far more dense while kimberlite is hollow volcanics.
If one reverts back to - Gold Terrra's - photo album - link - above,
I myself could not help but notice the - argilite dril lcores and the distinct quartz veining that streams about the dark carbon ores - not the drill rotation marks but rather the noticable fine quartz veining that is all about these argilites -
Almost seems as if.... a sub volcanic system set various geologies in place from clay greywackes to carbonous argilites and then ( wild thought ) a secondary silica quartz intruded with small veining - and.... the larger veining of 1m or more were the primaries that enabled the gold to deposit itself in the larger vein branches ( OWN HYPPTHESIS )
I will also add...
Sixty North - appears to have at surface and near surface gold - in high grade.
While Gold Terra 's latest drill report from - 2020 - shows gold is much further at depth.
Big plus for - Sixty North - they could very well be in the sweet spot.
Sixty North - does have one good pic of the argilite with in their tech report -
argilites are just as apparent as the greywacke geology - i wonder if the argilite was an intrusion that also brought in the - quartzite veining ? Could there be a link between these two ?
Here's the channel cut diagram i forgot to show in last post -
Sixty's channel sampling cuts at surface - impressive grades - i'd say, Gold Terra is perhaps looking over the fence and admiring Sixty's near surface high grade gold - tease....
Another junior wouldn't short another - would they ? Hope not.