History repeats itself and when the TCF CEO starts series of paid videos, the acquisition of new small shareholders begins. There was Bill Powers and Kerry Lutz who are certainly no longer involved with TCF. Everyone should do their DYOR and also research TCF's past before buying into TCF. Also the video by B.Powers on the Toronto Howe Street scene explains what is going on there. Funnily enough, the video fits TCF at the time. https://youtu.be/yrhgeTXvmow?si=hXquE75a7Ux1cvuy
The TCF pay videos can quickly end in a placement or share split. The CEO should now convince before anyone invests.
1. Share price must become constant like flow rates with upward trend.
2. Liabilities must be reduced before new projects are presented via paid videos.
3. The CEO has had a long time to pay himself and his hard-working directors. Now it's the shareholders' turn.
The shareholders don't want any more velocity string presentations, they want to see shareholder value.