Post by blueboron99on Jun 03, 2022 9:33am

Post# 34729245
CAGR Boric Acid Projection Cost Index 2020-2030
CAGR Boric Acid Projection Cost Index 2020-2030Greetins Shareholders,
When the original Erin Ventures PEA was released in Nov/16 the Report stated that Piskanja's production in Serbia was going to be a 80-20% split between colemanite and boric acid. Now with the projection of the boric acid forcasted priice increases I expect Erin &Temas will alter their production ratio, if the partners take it to production.
It is now estimated when the Piskanja mine is constructed boric acid will be north of $1000/tonne(5.8% increase during the term) as depicted in the graph.
IMO, Erin/Temas will need to change their production ratio split, particular if the intention is to sell off Piskanja to a boron Major. We will want to maximize our sale value and I expect that will be captured in the upcoming revised PEA Report soon to be released.
We are now approaching 8 months since Temas/Erin initiated the revised PEA report, and I am expecting the report to be released to the N/A market at any time.
Good luck to all investors.