Post by
InvestABCs on Feb 04, 2021 9:38am
Wish we could talk to the sellers
Genuinely curious why someone sells today at .49 There was no flip so it is stock thst was held Just curious why today...i can understand buying. Open ended question, naturally no honest answer expected lol... Always love understanding others perspectived and motives Now lets goooooooo trip
Comment by
DrJonnyFever on Feb 04, 2021 9:50am
Hard times? Better and more sound stock available? Profit taking? Heaps of reasons.
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InvestABCs on Feb 04, 2021 9:55am
Absolutely, all legit, just a curious type of guy... :) :) :) :) the doctor is in session!!! sector a mixed bag today. perhaps each is starting to show identity and not linked so tightly. psyk in true fund fashion... micromoves
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DrJonnyFever on Feb 04, 2021 10:04am
Heaps of "buzz" buys, all while firms are progressing their respective agendas. There is a LONG way to go in psychedelics, nice to have something like PSYK for research and a blanket entry for some into the market...I already hold many of their fund firm stocks.
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InvestABCs on Feb 04, 2021 10:24am
sweet, yes the fund is an interesting play. a true hedge as the smoke and mirrors dissapte from some of the shroom basket... i chose to targer a couple gems versus the hedge, so far so good, yes long way to go though. today: initial smack, and now we are back, as drawn out lollll.. kk 10:24 upwards NOW!
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DrJonnyFever on Feb 04, 2021 10:28am
It's wild out there! Heaps to be made; Ketamine closest to the $ but it's been a great journey. It would be a smart move by TRIP to try to be a company that is an extractor and synthesizer of psilocybin. There are few companies that do this as demand is through the roof!