Yes UAV has underperformed in the past 6-8 months. I was not expecting to see 0.065 the other day. Among the contributing factors to the depressed stock price is that management hasn't made any marketing effort to boost the SP.
This is changing.
If you consider yourself a serious investor in UAV, you should be calling management a duscussing their strategy with them.
In my most recent discussion with them, I have been reassured that the UAV management team is doing something about the stock price.
In fact, my conversation made me extremely optomistic about my investment!
Here's the short of it all:
- Summer months are notoriously slow with low trading volume - Expect news to flow in the fall when the markets are (strategically) more active.
- Long term contracts aren't the golden standard right now for UAV. Yes its nice to have recurring revenue for predictability purposes, however these guys are cranking out so much business that they actually have to take on less work if they want to get good exposure. For example the Vancouver mapping flight (which was one of the first of its kind) wasnt a huge revenue item, but gave UAV allot of exposure. They had to take pilots off other projects to get that sweet exposure.
- The other subsudiaries are ramping up business - Not sure to say that Q3 will show significant growth in the other subs, but Q4 will definitely be impacted by their work!
- Management are in tune with the market and the shareholers - They know that the share price is terrible right now and that it doesnt reflect the true value of UAV. Also, they hear the complainers and the whiners, but they also hear the shareholders that believe in the business model and are excited for the future. They know what shareholders want and they want to deliver.
Again, if you consider yourself a serious investor, try picking up the phone or writing UAV and email. Its on their website. You will be pleasantly surprised.
If you just want to rant on the stockbooard, then go ahead and waste everones time and have a crappy day. I on the other hand have accumulated shares at this level, and am going to be rewaded for my patience.
Good luck!