andres8787 posted an update inGLOBAL UAV TECHNOLOGIES, LTD.
It sounds like TechGuyKevin is trying to create false rumors to possibly manipulate the share price lower, do you have any proof of your allegations?? I looked for bridge mark capital associated management and don't find that any such company exists here in Canada, can you provide proof, website links? So far all the news I've heard from Global UAV Technologies has been great, they are a penny stock and sounds like they are busy working on the growth of their company, but I do agree there is some importance in keeping longer term shareholders happy, so hopefully more positive news & developments plus increased revenue growth in future quarters, it will also attract more investors and more publicity. :-)
TechGuyKevin posted a new activity comment in the group
Global UAV Technologies, Ltd..
Remember this is a forum to ask questions of management not a discussion forum. Send me a note and i'll be happy to have this discussion offline. Here's the connection: Anthony Jackson, Prinicpal of Bridgemark, Former CFO of Global UAV. To view or reply, log in and go to: Stockbashing BS!
Greetings from Germany!