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Bgptr1234 on Mar 24, 2021 6:27am
Just curious if anyone might have any up to date short positions on vibe and the past few months to compare to
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TheProphetElijah on Mar 24, 2021 9:09am
I wouldn't listen to dogvo, he's been plotting to steal shares for months. The story is just getting out and with the new investor relations contract more smart money will want in. The over subscribed bought deal was the tell tale sign.
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x4n2t0x on Mar 24, 2021 5:42pm
Exactly, why listen to reason and facts when you can swallow the horse$hit that TheIdiotElijah slings all over the place. TheIdiotElijah has an empty bag he wants to hold, period. Just check the pumpers post history. He's drowning in this POS stock, don't bail him out!
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Hiimehab on Mar 24, 2021 2:07pm
We should wait and see. It should bounce back. The company management team looks sharp. Is it fair to say that short volume will always increase as the stock price increases as it did here and more attention are paid to this company.