$1.25 Mill in revenues. This is where the good part ends
$80k of that translated to cash recieved. The rest is in AR (Take the AR number from Q1 2022 and subtract the AR number from the end of Dec 2021)
This hardware is sitting on Winkle's balacnce sheet (Section 9). Winkle's revenue for Q1 2022 was a mere $1,722.... oy ve...
So VSBLTY invoices Winkle, and winkle doesnt invoice modelo... VSBLTY inflates revenue numbers and writes off bad reciveables in a few quarters. Maybe by next Quarter Winkle will start invoicing Austin GIS and the game of musical chairs will continue.
Also the note in Section 9 points to VSBLTY writing off almost $785k of the bridge loan that was extended to Winkle, as an impairment charge!
Check section 17 for more information regarding related party transactions..
So good revenue number, but over 90% of this number will not translate to cash.