Post by
supreme on Jan 05, 2018 7:10pm
Mtngoat-thenewdonald and the others
These guys are pathetic. Constantly sharing their take on bad news, and other concerns......what does that tell you? They want your shares and would like to have you believe that the company at risk...and so on. Fact of the matter is mpx hired David Hyde. David Hyde is the go to guy and almost every l.p. out there has had him through their operation to pick appart issues in preparation of licensing. In a recent post from Hyde he claims more lps coming in January including a few different provinces....pretty easy to trace it from there. The sessions articles mean nothing. Nothing will change. Get Google earth and find the facility.....find the companies managing the design.....make a few phones calls. Done. Ignore....ignore......ignore. if you check any stock board.....there are always one or two morons...usually the same guy running their mouths about all their concerns..... Concerned? Sell your shares and bail......because if your short and you have to manipulate to see your play pan out it's pretty sad......a real short sells short and waits.....simple.