Remember me
Please remain active and support each other. If we do not succeed to materialize our simple requests, the next actions will be launched.
A. We will collect information and document experiences. As it become necessary the details will be publicized. B. A petition with supportive documents will be issued to regulatory offices. All these needs your active cooperation. If a shareholder does not trust me as the point of contact I do understand her/him. So please feel free to share your alternative solutions. I am also considering to form a committee. If you think 1. You have needed capabilities such as familiarity with legal aspects 2. useful information and supportive documents 3. can spend the time 4. you are a team player that can control your emotions and respect others opinions please write me and we can set a time to discuss. Again I insist that without collective efforts and active involvment no single retail shareholder can persue it in your behalf.
We acknowledge the recent improvements and we all wish a succesful year ahead of our management and express our support to them as long as they improve transparency and consider the retail share holders as members of the family.
A daily snapshot of everything from market open to close.