Post by
unclebobie on Jul 22, 2020 3:46pm
any thoughts on the .015 for the past two days
Stock should be rising with the positive sales and internal improvements. I can not come up with any rationale explanations for the anemic performance. At the very least , we should be holding at 2 cents Canadian.
Also volumes are low yesterday and today, I realize there was a bit of dilution but as discussed the affects should be negligible.
This is the first time that I am optimistic and yet we are stuck in the " dog days of July".
Oh well, patience is the order of the day,
Comment by
SlyestFox on Jul 22, 2020 4:14pm
ya its called this shareprice is controlled. Orwell will keep telling you amazing things mea while the stock will stay at 1.5 cents to 2 cents. Now it looks like its going to go to 1 instead. Ask orwell. He claims an insider sold off a bunch of shares previously without it ever being reported...
Comment by
SafeInvestor on Jul 22, 2020 4:32pm
The only way this stock moves prior to Q2 earning release is on major news like someone sniffing a buyout. Industry news and better operational performance will not be enough due to the history of the company and prior poor management. Investors will believe it when they see it and that will in my estimation happen at next quarterly release.
Comment by
RiskyBiz928 on Jul 23, 2020 11:54am
Note the volume of shares dragging it down is low though. Ya, you're right on the control - dumping piddly amounts only to scoop'em low and recoup on the inevitable rebound. It's a game show. Survey says! Lol.
Comment by
Gladiator3 on Jul 23, 2020 12:01pm
hopefully the second quarterly results will put an ends to all this!