Post by
darkvving on Jun 01, 2022 2:23pm
Pumper Gus (Blazer) is desperate; He's Witnessing the CRASH
Well, watch it dig again, it's not going to the moon, it's going down the drain, has been like that from the beginning, -99.5%, increasing the debt exponentially and selling new emissions of shares to gather investments that are spent on paying the INTEREST alone on the debt owed to the founders and administrators and bad investments in privately owned companies creating more debt and loses. The only;y ones making it here are the insiders, a losing trap for investors. Taken off in Canada and taking itself out in the USA. Watch it crashing
Comment by
GustheGreek on Jun 01, 2022 3:29pm
Just telling it like it is. Chalice is no different than Hexo, Agra, and so on... 95% down across the board. All pot stocks down huge. But are they all "scams"? It seems someone lost a ton of money on this one, and blah blah blah. And I really don't give two shyts about Challice, 3,200 shares, big deal... BUT, like I said, anything can happen.