Post by
stockmarKEK on Jun 10, 2022 2:05am
The Canadian investment is EFFD. US will follow soon
Can anyone believe the BS that the CEO and CFO forgot to file since SEptember 2021? Their mouth piece Sepi, (Gusthe greek Portland Blazer-paid pumper, insider) lie to buy time while our investment is totally gone. There should be a class action lawsuit filed by the Canadian investors because even the US investment, CHALF has gone down by 83% in one year and has deteriorated by -30% in one month.
Do not listen to the lies. Debt is due in November and they have no money to pay except to give the company away. I hope I am wrong but all the indicators are pointing that way.
Pumpers should be ashamed of themselves for enticing new investors
Comment by
GustheGreek on Jun 10, 2022 1:48pm
This post has been removed in accordance with Community Policy
Comment by
SepiJM on Jun 13, 2022 9:29am
@darkvving If you're going to attemp to offend people. At least keep up with the conversation.
Comment by
darkvving on Jun 10, 2022 7:30pm
Hello SepiJM PLEASE: Learn to spell idiot. If your English is so bad, your investor skills are in the toilet, Blazer. What is "waisting" your time" LMFAO SepiJM