Post by
AngelaL on Sep 07, 2021 11:24pm
It's a pity that more news hasn't been released recently but we should not forget the awesome team leading Claritas. All leading figures in nitric oxide science and biotech. Salzman, Enkhbaatar, Cuzzocrea - these are all titans in their space. This team has been limited up to now by a shortage of capital but it would seem that this too is being solved, with the receipt of an Australian rebate and now soon to be debt and equity financing. Let's have a little patience. Those who invest now will be well rewarded.
Comment by
Chritters on Sep 08, 2021 9:16am
Let's have a little Patience you say!! I think most of us have had more then enough patience and not by choice, We need to hear something, Anything from this so called leader!! Keep people updated at least!!