GREY:CLAZF - Post Discussion
Post by
Red~One on Sep 20, 2022 10:53pm
Nitric Oxide: The Missing Factor in COVID-19 Severity?
"What started as an observation of the correlation between the severity of COVID-19 symptoms associated with old age, and the age-related decline of NO levels, has now tied low NO levels to all major high-risk groups of COVID-19 infection. This overwhelming amount of correlation data and the sound biochemical reasoning behind low NO levels and the corresponding conditions that increase COVID-19 infection severity as well as the symptomatology exclusive to COVID-19, the successful utilization of NO gas as a therapeutic option, and the emergence of evidence tying NOx to COVID-19 severity, make further research on the matter warranted." 3.2. Nitric Oxide and COVID-19 Patient Outcomes: What Does the Evidence Suggest?
"Since the conception of the authors’ hypothesis that COVID-19 severity and pathology is correlated to NO bioavailability and successful treatment and prevention options can be developed manipulating this pathway, clinical evidence supporting this hypothesis has emerged. "
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