Looks like it's real, and the first ever Coal Fired Plant to use Carbon Capture tecnology is going to be implemented here in Canada by SaskPower.
Looks like the world is moving forward even with coal, and using new technology to burn it cleanly. It's real and it's happening. Good to see, IMO, and cutting CO2 by 90% should also fuel demand for coal. atb
Beyond pilot testing to commercial application: SaskPower will commission the world's first commercial-scale power plant with a fully-integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) system in 2014.
Boundary Dam Power Station, located near Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada, is the largest generating facility in SaskPower's fleet. Unit #3 at Boundary Dam is being rebuilt with a state-of-the-art turbine and a fully-integrated carbon capture system capable of cutting CO2 emissions by more than 90 per cent, or approximately one million tonnes a year. That's the equivalent of taking more than 250,000 cars off Saskatchewan roads each year — about 25 per cent of all vehicles registered in the province. The Boundary Dam Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Project, an example of Clean Coal TM technology, is one of two projects SaskPower is undertaking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.