DELC announced their Premier Psychedelic and Wellness Edutainment Expo: ‘Meet Delic’.
The event is open to everyone from curious newcomers to entrepreneurs and veteran psychonauts.
It will take place on NOV 6 & 7 in Las Vegas as a two-Day Experiential Experience that will Help Scale the Business of Psychedelic Wellness for the Growing Needs of the Mainstream
The event will feature dancers, music, 3D mapping, new technologies and research, thought-provoking presentations and the world's largest psychedelic business expo.
Meet DELIC will release the speaker/ entertainment lineup in the coming weeks.
This all ties into DELC’s “self sustained ecosystem” where CEO matt stang says DELC customer base can seek out information via their mutli media educational platform, gain knowledge , and actually access treatment via their clinics.
$DELC @$0.32, tiny mc
full news release