Post by
87flstc on Nov 28, 2019 10:17am
Titan announcement?
So what is Titan waiting for?Are they going to say their ending their bid for Core?Why wait?Are they going to announce a piece of Cores pie?Are they going to announce a law suit against Core?Never know what promise's were made that can't be kept and Titan stands to loose millions Whatever it is it sure seems they are waiting on a Core Gold Announcement.I smell trouble in paradise, don't get yr hopes up to high for some great deal I just don't see it happening at this point but sadly there was a time when a great deal was possible and this BOD blew it and chose to try and line their own pockets and that backfired and sunk the ship and all shareholders will pay dearly in the end.Good Luck to us we need it.JMHO
Comment by
Teetotal on Nov 28, 2019 11:56am
87fstlc looks like you are a lonely voice of doom and gloom. If you have any shares sell them and move on. Shareholders will make up their own minds. No point getting worked up. It will happen when it happens. If you have real facts please present them otherwise...