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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum Devvstream Holdings Ord Shs DSTRF

DevvStream Holdings Inc. is a carbon credit project co-development and generation firm specializing in technology-based solutions. With a pipeline of over 140 technology-based projects worldwide, it makes it simple for corporations and governments to address their net-zero goals while generating carbon credits in the process. It takes a programmatic approach to evaluating project opportunities... see more

OTCQB:DSTRF - Post Discussion

Devvstream Holdings Ord Shs > Beware merger with US spac
Post by lscfa on Dec 11, 2023 12:50pm

Beware merger with US spac

Spacs allow holders to redeem their shares upon news of a merger candidate. Many spacs have had high redemptions (90%) leaving a fraction of the cash originally raised. This reduces Spac trading price on Nasdaq.
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