The MOST INTELLIGENT Discussion of Reducing Dependence on Oil I Have Ever SeenI'm a moderate and typically watch ultra liberal/conservative things for kicks. The first few minutes of this ladies talk I thought "great, another loud mouth spewing nonsense". How wrong I was.
Anne Korin, Deputy Director of the Institute For the Analysis of Global Security spoke the other day at one of those young conservative conventions. Without a doubt, she presented, in my opinion, one of the most lucid, intelligent, discussions of alternative fuels, OPEC, flex fuel vehicles, tarriffs and political lobbies, and the transfer of wealth to nations that do not have our best interests in mind. She discussed ethanol AND IT"S VARIOUS SOURCES along with coal to liquids.
Flex fuel vehicles need to be made available as soon as possible and it only costs auto makers $100/vehicle to do so.
The Q & A is EXCELLENT. This should be seen by EVERY American citizen.
It's a little more than an hour long, and if you can't watch it now, I STRONGLY urge you to watch it at your earliest convenience.