Post by
ugluuak on Jun 23, 2024 11:14am
Itochu Loan Agreement Language
I for one would surely like to see and read that loan agreemnent between Itochu and Eguana.
Itochu has stated that they own the battery Management controls, likely as part of the conditions to the major loan.
Actually the Purchase away from Buying the company was structured as a loan.
Eguana carries the loan on their books with no possible way to pay on the installments owing.
Itochu is restructuring the payments to be more flexible with the so called payments as they already own the controls and are using these on their systems in Japan and elsewhere.
Only way out down the road is to have Itochu or another Itochu owned entity purchase EGT outright and make this LOAN DEAL disappear before prying eyes start to ask questions.
What ongoing revenue if any is attached to the Psudo Sale of the Battery Controls.
How can Itochu claim ownership of the EGT battery controls and make it a condition of an investment loan ???????????????