ELY is partnered with some very high end producing companies.... exciting year ahead.
Mr. Jason Reid, President and CEO of Gold Resource Corporation stated, “This maiden drill program at Scarlet has returned some very exciting near surface high-grade drill results, which could represent our next deposit discovered on the Isabella Pearl Project’s substantial mineralized trend. There are numerous additional targets on this trend increasing our chances of finding several more open pit heap leach deposits like our Isabella Pearl mine. We plan to be a long-term gold producer from this unique portion of the Walker Lane Mineral Belt and believe we have secured the best land packages to succeed in finding additional gold deposits at all four of our Nevada Mining Unit properties.”
Mr. Reid continued, “It is also exciting to add heap leachable and recoverable gold ounces from deep in our Isabella Pearl mine at the oxide-sulphide boundary. Intercepts including twenty-five meters of eighteen grams gold and eighty-four meters of eight grams gold are multiples of the one gram per tonne gold we are currently mining in the top of this deposit. This underscores the much higher-grade gold we expect to mine and process at our Isabella Pearl mine in the years to come.”