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Quietinvestor on Jun 11, 2020 1:46pm
My comments are based solely on my observations dealing with this stock over the past 3 years.EMH seems to always be late to the SP party. I have noted that in many cases it is the last MJ stock to move upwards.
Regardless of the above, I came back into the stock last week with a purachse of 100,000 shares based on a number of factors:
- the JV with VFF puts EMH on solid financial footing;
- all facilities are now complete and will only add to future revenue;
- the last finacial update clearly hows that EMH will ne EBITDA postive in the near future and a little further down the road will be cash flow positive.
There are many other reasons, but these stand out for me as part of my DD. Granted, EMH is not a WEED, ACB, OGI or a HEXOO, but is a solid company that will see its SP increase substantially in the future..
Will see where this takes us.
Comment by
Dragon1 on Jun 11, 2020 2:11pm
I have also been adding and have had the stock for over 3 yrs,I hope you are right and that the numbers keep going up!
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CrystalGreen on Jun 12, 2020 1:43pm
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moneynorthbound on Jun 11, 2020 3:13pm
Great post!! Holy smokes 100K shares I better catch up! sheesh balls of fire!! Go EMH GO!!
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HaulJockey on Jun 21, 2020 3:15pm
If you put your money here it will be gone in less than a year IMO. I've been away from this for a while, since ATT put the screws to everyone. These guys are no better, they were in bed with all the crooks on the West coast taking your money with no regard. If you put cash here you better know when to get it back, because like a fart in the wind, it's gone in seconds.
Comment by
Dragon1 on Jun 22, 2020 5:40pm
I've also been in for 3 yrs and have kept adding prior fin reports expecting to see sales and hence earnings trend upwards but keep getting disappointed,I hope Jockey is right.Idon't see the ST Eustache facility biting into Hexo's market share.