Post by
aceupmysleeve on Mar 02, 2021 8:31pm
Let's be realistic,
this isn't going back to 30 cents. Anybody who actually knows anything about the company and what it's accomplished so far (obviously not the shorters saying it will drop to .30) will buy everything up long before it gets that low because they know what this will be worth in the long term. I wouldn't mind loading up with shares in the .60s or .70s - something I didn't do when it was at those prices the first time. Realistically I highly doubt it will even dip that low, but if it does I'll be ready!
Comment by
7Twiggy on Mar 02, 2021 9:03pm
Shorts must be really concerned bring out the clever bashers like you. See it all before.
Comment by
aceupmysleeve on Mar 02, 2021 9:41pm
I am on your side twiggy. I don't know how my words were interpreted as clever bashing. All I'm saying it that I can use some cheaper shares since my avg cost is $1.30. I wasn't one of the lucky ones to buy in at .05.