...you missed an explanation on the financials I'll post it again, before Steve needs to explain it to those who still don't understand the $25 million loss.
The $25 million loss is a fair value loss on the warrants due to a rise in the share price. So in Q1 they converted 41 600 547 warrants and the average price of the conversion was $0.70 for a $0.10 warrant, so that's a difference of $0.60. Take the $0.60 x 41 600 547 warrants converted = $24 960 328. This where there are getting the $25 million loss from.
It's not a real loss because they received cash from those warrants and are using that cash to expand and grow the company. So it actually becomes an asset. So the $25 million fair value loss can be ignored, as it's just part of the way the Black-Scholes option pricing model works. Again, the proceeds from those warrants actually becomes an asset, as it is used to grow and expand the company. 30 + clinics at $2 - $3 million a year = $60 - $90 million/year and the addition of company's like Kai, Medicare, etc... I would definitely say that is a great use of the cash from those warrants.
So if you look at the revenue of $2 036 700 and the losses/expenses of $744 053 (clinic expenses) and $1 403 181 (operations loss) = $2 147 234. As you can see Steve has brought this company to a break even and will soon be moving on to being profitable once those clinics and other aquisitions are added to the revenue stream. If there are still more warrants being converted in any of the quarters, then that will also show up as a loss in each of those quarterly reports. Hopefully investors like myself and Steve won't need to keep explaining this. Once the warrants are all converted they will no longer show up as losses, but as those weird accounting losses (not actual losses) show up that means the company has received more money for the expansion and aquisition of more clinics and other businesses to add to it's porfolio. All leading to more revenues!
The Q1 financials is certainly not what people think it is and in fact the results are actually pretty good if you understand what you're looking at. It shows the company has continued to move upward and is in a great position just as Steve has said in his interviews. He hasn't lied, some investors are just not understanding the numbers.
So let me explain the warrant situation in more detail. When the $0.10 warrants were given out the company share price was somewhere in the range of $0.04-$0.08 if I remember correctly. Now if the stock price never increased then the warrants would not be exercised and they would eventually expire. The company would still be at about $0.08 with no cash on hand to grow and expand.
However, the share price did take off and so investors holding those warrants exercised them and the company got cash to grow and expand. What the Black-Scholes option pricing model is saying is because the warrants were exercised at an average price of $0.70 and the money from the warrants are worth $0.10 the company loss $0.60 worth of price in converted warrants or $25 million dollars. So this is not a real loss. Again, if the share price didn't go up the company would not have gotten any cash to grow. It's just a very confusing way to express the warrant conversions as a loss, but it's not a real loss. If you believe that it's an actually loss then some how the company loss $42 million in two quarters ($17 million from Q4 and $25 from Q1). LOL!!! Give me a break. Where did they lose that money?? lol It’s not an operating loss and it’s not an expense loss. If the company actually had $42 million to lose over two quarters then the stock share price would need to be somewhere in $100 range or more! lol
Now some people may call me a pumper for trying to explain the financials to those who don't understand that $25 million dollar number showing up as a loss. They do this because they are shorters and they don't want investors to be educated on their investment. The shorters rely on fear and panic in order to make their money.