Post by
xsnrg on May 10, 2016 6:15pm
This bullboard is funny
I see all kinds of posts saying how undervalued we are and how the market is out to lunch but I don't see any of you buying shares at all. I don't consider someone who holds shares at a certain level to be bullish on the company whatsoever. Buyers are bullish, sellers are bearish and people who just hold are neither. The only bullish people I can decipher are Bruce and SICPA. Now that should tell you something since they are probably the 2 most important shareholders in EUO but the rest of us do not believe EUO is worth one more penny than 19 cents. Otherwise we would be buying.
I think the posters should add the following at the end of all their posts: "The above message was intended for YOU to buy lots of shares at current prices thus driving the shareprice up on MY shares which I have already acquired, I will in no part be participating in the buying since I actually don't believe this stock is worth more than current prices"
Homerun is the longest and strongest of us all but is he really? The guy picks up 1.7M at 5 cents (which I am super jealous of) but then doesn't buy a share since. Is he overweighted on EUO? Is he scared this thing is overvalued? Why not purchase more? I bought from 10 all the way to 18...have more money invested in EUO although not even close to 1.7M shares but I continue to buy (up until my recent sell) and will continue to buy as I see this WAY undervalued but why am I the only one? Something is wrong here.
Comment by
homerunstock on May 10, 2016 6:48pm
With 1.7 mill shares do I really need to add more - the bottom line for me is I could have cashed in a 500. % return and I have not why because I full expect to cash this in at a minimum 1000% return - Stay long and be rewarded just like Sicpa and are Ceo who have all the insight as always follow the money !!
Comment by
stack on May 10, 2016 7:14pm
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