Comment by
Ringert on Jul 01, 2017 1:20am
Quoting because it depicts what a laugh EUO is.
Comment by
Chutzpah on Jul 01, 2017 7:57am
Thank you Ringert. Always try to get unbiased independent critical research out. Now a truly interesting issue would be to try to dig out why is that they always get out tech projects that go nowhere and need never ending and RIDICULOUSLY HIGH amounts of R&D to spend on...... Be working on a post on it soon....
Comment by
Raptorman2013 on Jun 30, 2017 2:23pm
This system deals only with NITROGEN. Croptimal deals with a whole suite of chemistry and uses technology way more advanced than what SH!T-SPA is trying to push down your throat... Good try SH!T-SPA but not good enough - sorry and have a not-so-good long weekend explaining to your kids what you do for a living... SCAMS