Post by
endeavour on Aug 27, 2017 3:35pm
as usual, you omit anything positive.
I'll tell you what R&D investment has brought to the company. How about $16 million in CASH by way of selling off one of their businesses to Sicpa AND retaining a revenue stream as part of the deal. Its not the company's fault that the market didn't bid the share price up to 30 cents+ where it should have been trading.
And again, you're utterly wrong. Xwinsys has not gone 'back to the drawing board'. Far from it. They are tailoring it to meet customer's demands. If you are going to pay $2 million for a product, i don't care what it is, you darn well want it to meet EVERY criteria for your business and thats what the company are doing. Sure, we'd all have loved if they could have sold 50 of these units 6 months ago and the share price would be 50 cents today (give or take), but thats not always the way the world works. Sometimes you have to tweak the design and when they are finished, they will be able to sell more of these units than they ever would have done previously.
Comment by
kidl2 on Aug 27, 2017 5:57pm
You have no idea what you are talking about. Not one iota of GFI Petromark grew on EUO R&D dirt. Good grief, it’s all on SEDAR. Read the chit before you mouth off.