Post by
kidl2 on Oct 06, 2017 3:03pm
The market – A forward looking instrument
Looking past the current quarter ending Sept 30 which may finish with somewhere around $7.5 Mil in cash, the next quarter ending Dec 31 will bring this down to ~$6 Mil or $0.065.
Add in the tax loss season and I doubt the $0.065 will hold unless EUO pulls some sort of rabbit out of the hat between now and the end of the year.
MC holding companies with declining cash balances tend to be valued at a discount to cash and so they should be.
Comment by
newdaydawning on Oct 07, 2017 7:45pm
Don't forget that Rowlands predicted a strong second half. He may be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat in the form of a XwinSys contract. The clock is ticking.
Comment by
Ringert on Oct 08, 2017 12:02am
Don't forget that Bruce predicted a whole lot of rubbish for this year and none of it has proven to be remotely right. Don't forget that we're already in Q4 of which December doesn't really count. Nothing's going to happen here and if you think it will you're fooling yourself.