Apparently, XwinSys signed up to be part of a new Israeli R&D consortium last year... Here's an article from 18 June 2017 on the future consortium:
The new consortium will deal with the development of measurement and process control technologies in the chip industry, based on data fusion from many sources.
The new consortium will include leading companies in the field of process control, such as Bruker (which acquired Jordan Valley of Israel) and Nova; Dell EMC; Nanonics, leader in atomic microscopy measuring solutions; Nanomotion, which develops nanoscale conveyance systems; XWINSYS, which develops measurement equipment for critical final stages of the production line;... However, here's an article on the same consortium from November 8 2017 stating the consortium already started in September but Xwinsys no longer seemed to be a part of it (or at least, it's not being mentioned anymore)...
The Israeli chip consortium, MDM – Multi Dimensional Metrology, which promotes the development of measurement and process control technologies in the chip industry, based on data fusion from many sources, began to operate in September following approval of the Israel Innovation Authority.
The chairman of the consortium is Yoram Uziel, Director of Technology at PDC, Applied Materials Metrology Division. The new consortium will include leading companies in the field of process control, such as Nova – a leading innovator and a key provider of metrology solutions for advanced process control used in semiconductor manufacturing, Bruker (which acquired Jordan Valley of Israel), Dell EMC, Nanonics, leader in atomic microscopy measuring solutions, Nanomotion, which develops nanoscale conveyance systems, EL-MUL, from Rehovot, which manufactures detectors for the nanoscale industry. No reason to believe at this point that Xwinsys is still in operation or that we are to expect anything from them anymore, besided perhaps a NR stating they killed Xwinsys off.