Post by
sjaplo on Jun 18, 2020 3:30pm
10:1 consolidation - that never ends well for the shareholder.
Comment by
edmed on Jun 21, 2020 10:20am
existing shareholders already went through a 10:1 consolidation when this company was formed! We can all thank Allan who single handedly destroyed, our company, sliced it up and fed it to the vultures!!! At leasrt it is comforting to know the millions of shares he put in his family's trust fund are as worthless now as mine are.
Comment by
Stampeeder on Jun 25, 2020 12:42pm
its seems like every time I comment about Allan my comment gets removed. Is he still trolling these boards.
Comment by
edmed on Jun 26, 2020 10:43am
lets see if mine gets taken down LOL wonder how many investors here are remnants of the old days..... notice I didn't say good old days never saw a company with so much potential get so mismanaged and destroyed by a CEO that held such a big chunk of shares Until this stock....I always felt that when a CEO had skin in the game it was a good thing Live and Learn edmed