I'm watching the series FROM and I can say I'm just as lost in that show as I am with the Fineqia show. Everything in both shows are always enigmas and make no sense.
At least Cinderella is alive. She has made an appearance finally on our Twitter account. The Glass Slipper fund seems late and the website not updated. It also calls indirect investments that we have on our site as direct investments. So, somebody is wrong. Probably both of them.
They release a PR on a Sunday which is strange. And even stranger, it's the same PR they released a few weeks ago. The same thing we were told before.
Why does Victor talk to a doll in the show FROM? And why do do all these things that we do? What are we building here and how do we get out of this hell? This is a nightmare of a show, like that FROM series. I hope they both have a happy ending.
So many names. So many investments. So many promises. Where are our NFT funds? Why are we giving consulting advise and not doing it ourselves? Why can't we do something exciting like figure out how to cut out real estate agents and sell real estate on the block chain with no transaction costs? Instant transfer.
I want us to be exciting. At leat FROM is exciting. No idea what's going on there or here, but hopefully the writers do. I hope Bundeep doesn't get lost like the same writers of FROM did in their first series LOST.
I'm also ready for a crowded theater. So far, just two or 3 of us watching this movie. It needs something. Advertising. A better plot. A less convoluted script. We need some action!