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Fresh Tracks Therapeutics Inc FRTX

Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. is not engaged in any business activities. The Company is in the process of dissolution.

GREY:FRTX - Post by User

Post by TheeRookon Feb 11, 2021 4:46am
Post# 32534727

COVID-19 Vaccine Opportunity

COVID-19 Vaccine Opportunity

Brickell has rights to commercialize Japanse partner's AnGes proprietary COVID-19 plasmid DNA vaccine in the U.S., South America and certain emerging markets per a September 2020 announcement.

In September 2020 Japan's government awarded The University of Osaka and its COVID-19 vaccine development partner Anges $106M because this group is signifcantly ahead of any vaccine developers in Japan.

AnGes COVID-19 vaccine is undergoing Phase 3 in Japan having successfully cleared all prior hurdles. An important feature of thisvaccine is that it can be quickly reformulated to overcome mutations.

Two analysts recently assigned a Buy recommendation with a consensus $5.5/share price target on BBI stock. The company currently has over $30M in cash which is sufficient to support operations beyond the top line results of the U.S. pivotal Phase 3 program on its main program is going after a multi-billion dollar underserved market named Hyperhydrosis.

Following an agreement with Bharat Biotech to commercialize its  COVID-19 vaccine candidate COVAXIN in the U.S., Ocugen shares jumped 970% ($16 or $2.5B MC). Brickell could follow Ocugen's steps shortly.

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