Post by
caulkpig on Mar 08, 2006 4:28pm
Canada Pension Pigs
There was a rumour going around that the price of caulk was about to go up so I perused the Globe and Mail Business section today for quotes on the caulk market and could not find any. Strange that such a necessary building component and a pig's favorite tasty snack, is not traded in the commodity pits. Did happen to notice that both the price and volume on GAI continue to evaporate. I dunno. If my pigs were to let me down the way this stock continually does I would be tempted to send said pigs to slaughter and throw my lot in with a new batch. Maybe its time to consider the same fate for GAI management. Although, I'm sure that the homesapiens LK, RS and RB would not be as succulent as their porker namesakes. And no it is not time to be bring back RJW. Afterall, you wouldn't trade one fat hog for another one that couldn't keep his own sty in order, would you ? Geez, once you eat the ribs you don't want the rest of the pig back, now do ya ? Its just that gold is up and the Venture market is up and GAI is down. I say tie a feedbag of french fries around their necks, fill the trough with Labatts and put 'em out to pasture. But if the bag holders don't care, then I guess I don't either.
Anyway, I headed over to the local Rona and much to my chagrin discovered the my pig's favorite brand had indeed gone up in price from 94 to 97 cents per tube. Now I know that 3 cents don't sound like much but when you consider how those swine suck that goo back, it adds up to a pretty penny. I go through that stuff almost as fast as LK goes through private placement gratuities.
This is one time that caulk has let me down.
Back to work.