Post by
goollldddd on Jan 26, 2021 10:50am
not that difficult !!
I'm starting to get the feeling that this VP has never actually put a resource together before, & this has been causing a serious fatal flaw/disconnection in this team. this resource has become sad b/c b/c of management. nothing to do with what's in the ground. you have sharesholes who are sitting there knowing this is a good resource & that there is some serious economic potential that was over looked back in 2011 by P and E consultant group. Now for 2 years they have been meant with press release after press release of distraction after distraction after distraction instead of just drilling out a resource that was already sitting put together for you. Nate it's absoutly not that difficult. what about a engineer study on the Chemenis headframe to see how structural sound it is ?? that headframe isn't that old. now that would be $$ well spent.