Post by
lesla222 on Jan 04, 2018 11:42pm
I think the time to sell CMED is now.
Aurora and the locked in 36% from CMED are going to sell off and CMED will dive, then they will rebuy at a much reduced price and Aurora will get CMED for even less. I dont think holding long is there anser here if you are all in CMED. When ACB takes over you will be lucky to get 2 ACB for every CMED. You should take your money now, then rebuy when the stakeholders dump, and hope for whatever ACB shares you can then get out of the deal.
Comment by
reddawg77 on Jan 05, 2018 12:46am
Are the locked up 36% legally obligated to vote with acb or are they able to change there vote. Can they change tendered shares since prices have changed so dramastcly?