Post by
MartialArts on Feb 11, 2018 11:55pm
Know who you trade against: Man or machine?
The only trust I would put in "traders", is in the fact that only a small minority of money being moved by technical trading is done by humans. I, and other technical analysts here, represent a small minority able to share knowledge with others. I do it because for every goodwill effort I put out there, I get it back. Someday. There is an inner peace that comes with sharing knowledge, wisdom and kindness with our fellow human beings. Whether it be in person in our daily lives or here electronically.
But it's critical to understand, the vast majority of technical trading pushing the hundreds of millions seen in ACB/CMED alone per day is done by huge banks, US hedge funds and private investments firms who use computers to automatically trade. Those computers use technical trading. Those computers don't share any knowledge. In fact they all compete with each other and classic investors as they tweaked weekly or monthly by humans.
Human technical traders here on stockhouse move peanuts in comparison. So investors here should understand you're not across the table from human traders, you're across the table from machine traders. And it's only going to get more intense as the year progress and systems get smarter.
Watching the markets these days is like watching computers play chess games. It's not trivial to follow and I'll be the first to admit that.
In the meantime, let's all help each other. As humans.
Comment by
LAMBO on Feb 12, 2018 9:36am
sellers drying up? nice gap between bid/ask
Comment by
PROtrading on Feb 13, 2018 7:38pm
You're not all cash??? What? Scared of the $10 trade cost? LOL Buddy! Aren't you playing off a side of a cliff here? LOL!!! Dude! Seriously, your posts are all bearish, with cause, and you're still holding???
Comment by
Thelonious on Feb 13, 2018 7:49pm
Pro did you buy into cmed when it recently hit mid to low 20s then sold and now hold all cash? if so, what is it that you are looking for before you jump back in?
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stockhorse10 on Feb 14, 2018 6:44am
Hey Pro....Sold my 3000 shares yesterday at 35.5 as I wasn't expecting that late push....Prob should have gotten out in the mid 36's but so be it..planning on rebuying back in as I believe we are also in for a market correction on both ACB and CMED...any good price point reccomendations to get back in?
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MartialArts on Feb 14, 2018 11:44am
CPI and inflation fears are muted it seems. I don't think we're going to get our fireworks. Looks like the well needed correction is past tense? I'm adding here in the $35s.
Comment by
Thelonious on Feb 14, 2018 2:52pm
how about waiting till the producer price index results come out tomorrow?
Comment by
Thelonious on Feb 13, 2018 7:47pm
anytime man I still hold some cmed because I don't want to miss any runs up, this market is unpredictable. Iike I said I sold most of it today and waiting to see what happens. thanks Martialarts as always for keeping things professional and civil here.