Post by
martinstillman on Feb 03, 2011 11:47am
Think about it folks
Daniel Wolf was stripped from chairing the shareholder meeting by the courts. Big eared Dan was told not to interfere or next time pack your tooth brush. How did Daniel react? Same way he did as a child. Rebellion, rebellion continuing to tell stories using deceit and trickery to justify why he got slapped.
Roy is so scared he has no other choice but to follow through with the risk of loosing everything.
Rick Boasik who uses hair coloring products because of his internal self image is also dreaming if he thinks his actions were over looked by regulatory bodies in the US and Canada. You are on the radar dumb,dumb.
The squatters continue to send e-mails full of lies and trickery which will not work.
The biggest problem that these peolpe are forgetting is that they are messing with shareholders money. Daniel is responsible for this delay no one else. Shareholders want a meeting so 2,000 peolpe can vote for who they want and move this company forward. You do not need a harvard degree to understand this.
Dan is very emotional and unstable just listen to the illegal conference calls he has held. Every day this group gets further in trouble maybe the best way to say this is they are sinking in quicksand.