July 16, 2010, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110029590/0001140361-10-029590-index.htm
August 2, 2010, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110030955/0001140361-10-030955-index.htm
September 7, 2010,https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110036249/0001140361-10-036249-index.htm
September 28, 2010https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110038833/0001140361-10-038833-index.htm
October 26, 2010, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110042204/0001140361-10-042204-index.htm
November 12, 2010, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036110045337/0001140361-10-045337-index.htm
January 19, 2011, https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036111003338/0001140361-11-003338-index.htm
February 25, 2011 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1040227/000114036111012300/0001140361-11-012300-index.htm
The lawyers will be filing again this weekwhich we all believe will be last time. All of these dates can be verified andreviewed as they were filed with the SEC and is public information. It is only a matter of time until is approvalis granted and the clock is ticking. Wewere delayed but will not be denied.
Daniel Wolf and John Thomas have refused tocomplete a proxy statement and will not have their proxy approved which means theirpositions are only temporary until they are terminated by the new board that iselected by all the shareholders.
Again the only people who can be voted on arethe candidates approved by the SEC. There are four proposed members forelection. The candidate names are published on each filing and are foreveryone’s information.
Over the last 18 months ofdevaluing our company Roy Hales and Daniel Wolf continues to attempt to seedtrickery, deceit and confusion amongst the shareholders by rambling on that ReneBranconnier wants to kill the company.It is very clear by the above links and hard work that is not true.
The bottom line is you canread for yourself the dates of action and the steps taken for a shareholdermeeting by the shareholders. You can read that Daniel Wolf and Roy Hales do notwant a meeting because they have not filed one.
It can be also verified of how Daniel Wolf isacting, he’s like cat on a tin roof because he knows his days are numbered andcannot hide under the corporate vial much longer. Roy Hales the puppet ofDaniel continues to call and email shareholders propaganda.
On each call Roy describeshimself as just a housepainter but yet he says he is an investigator for DanielWolf and an archiver for Global 8. An investigator investigates both sides notjust one. It is very clear that Roy’s career is house painting and he hasconfused investigator with instigator.Roy stated to shareholders that DanielWolf, John Thomas and the rest of their group got caught by the Alberta and BCSecurities Commission raising money illegal.
Daniel Wolf who claims to be a lawyer hasnever won a lawsuit in his life and continues to delay a meeting because of hishidden past. Every company that Daniel Wolf has started has failed or eitherwent bankrupt.
Tad Simmons has also hadmultiple failed ventures and Julio has never been successful at anything noteven being a Mayor. John Thomas yes he has a job like many do but again hasnever been successful at any business ventures.
This group have no clue what they are doing and clearly don’tunderstand that only candidates that are listed and approved by the SEC can bevoted on, John Thomas and Daniel Wolf will be fired once approval is granted.
Based on the actions and proventrack record Daniel Wolf and Roy Hales are currently killing the company andare now fabricating stories trying to justify for their own faults. As Roystated to shareholders his wife is fed up. Roy was telling shareholders on acall that if he buys 1 more share his wife is going to kill him. John Thomas’s wife is not impressed with hisrecent appointment because she never approved of it. They do not have supportwithin their own family and lie to their spouses, how can they be honest to theshareholders.
It is my mission tosupport a shareholder meeting, fight for what is right and support my ownpersonal investment.
As for you wondering who John Thomas is, he sat on the G8 committeewho approved the issuance of over 14,000,000 shares to Daniel Wolf, JulioFerreira and Tad Simmons, was involved in raising funds in Alberta and BCduring a cease trade, hi jacked my personal emails and sent out propaganda onthem, who offered his personal home on a public shareholder conference call asa meeting place for the intent of raising money and was temporary elected byDaniel Wolf to join him the on board of Global 8.
In closing Roy Hales andDaniel Wolf have devalued the company and believe that by twisting andfabricating lies against me or my business associates they will gain support. Daniel Wolf’s inability to file means theywill never be candidates for election. As you can see it’s only a matter oftime until the proxy statement that Vincent & Rees submitted for approvalis approved and these are the candidates that can be voted upon by theshareholders.
You can see that JohnThomas’s intent as a director is another ploy for Daniel Wolf to resign and toleave Daniel’s mess on John’s plate. This could be the end of John’s job,marriage and definitely wipe out Roy and his marriage. Daniel is a trickster!
We watch the news of Libyadoes that not remind us of Wolf and Gaddafi, they have a lot in common. Bothare not wanted but both will not leave.
We all will have a vote. We will all have the Victory. Daniel and his team will be flushed down thedrain where it was suggested by the shareholders in 2009. Shareholders spokethen and are speaking again.
Chad Burback 1-403-846-3685