Earlier today,
i was thinking about " there's got to be a better way to capture solar energy
than clinky, bulky, isore solar panels on a roof.
Diamonds are clear.
Made of, carbon. ( gases too )
Diamonds are conductive.
Natural or, man made Moissanite lab diamonds.
Yet.... what if one mixed carbon into liquid glass ?
How much carbon could it absorb while maintaining clear visability ?
No high preasure heating like a lab diamond.
Just... mix carbon into glass - bleached carbon -
Even graphite - to the saturation of glass still clear - able to see through.
Would it recieve enough electrons from sun ?
Carbon - indeed.
Graphite - is extra special. A lesser known property of graphite is its unique ability to absorb fast moving particles (protons and neutrons) [28]. This interesting property allows the material to absorb light, radio waves, microwaves, and radiation too.Jun 4, 2018
U.S. Military and Nuclear Energy Plants Use Graphite
for Electromagnetic Wave Absorption
Additionally, a very interesting fact about these loosely held layers, is that this peculiar characteristic allows “graphite to absorb light across a wide range of wavelengths, including visible, ultraviolet, and infrared, contributing even more to its opaque nature” [1].
Graphite - absorbs many kinds of light.
= super light absorbing solar cell vs ( silica solar cells tapout at 30% )
Interesting, isn't it.
Next thought ?
Anyone making window solar cells ?
Ugh.... sure enough.
BUT.... their technology differs from my idea.
their product suffers full visability.
Yes... one can still see through the film, but visability is toned down.
Perhaps, diamond or graphite glass windows would provide
far more visable clarity.
GEM should reach out to, Solar Window.
Whisper carbon, graphite idea.
Graphite can accept direct beta electrons from sun, and many other wavelights.
It could be better than Solar Windows present ( cath + anode ) window tech.
Another idea i thought today ? ( compounded on former )
Fibers ( glass ) are created from, SiO2.
Spray reactsnt causes glass to split into hairs.
Again, mixing graphite or carbon in molton glass.
= glass fibers with graphite or csrbon, infused !!!!!
Tried searching to see if another thought of this....
haven't come across anything yet.
Fiber optics currently uses - polymere cores.
Polymere + graphite / carbon many research papers on these.
Even coating carbon electrodes with polymeres for longevity usage
BUT.... nothing on, fiber optics.
Do Read This.... ( with the thought of, carbon, graphite with in )
Ha... ( continued studies )
My instinctive intuition just knew... Anthracite and Graphites are related.
What is Amorphous Graphite?
Amorphous graphite is usually formed by contact metamorphism between an anthracite coal seam and a metamorphism agent (e.g., tectonic stress, magma, etc.).
The result is a microcrystalline graphite, which is commonly called amorphous graphite.
My Wish ?
GEM performing 3 conductivty tests
- grease graphite
- flake
- free roam black carbon
My hunch ?
Greasy graphite ( soft or hard ) has higher conductivity than, flake..
Why think this way ?
Greasy graphite could host good portion of carbon + metallois families.
Still nonmetals, even including borderline, aluminum, titanium.
= Just nonmetal crystalines ( multiples )
= super conductive
Flake could have silica crystal ( thin silica sheet ) influence ( hunch )
Silica glass consumes 50% of sheet layers ( hunch )
silica = SiO2 nonconductive
= 50% less conductive than.... greasy graphite ( hunch )
This sort of test is long over due.
Someone in the graphite industry should perform the 3 tests above.
Orange highlight.
It's all about conductivity.
Imagine comparing graphite juniors based on their,
flake conductivity RAW ORES
grease ( med gray, bright silver ) conductivity RAW ORES
carbon content LOI ( amount )
how would this be different ?
suppose the grease graphite contained carbon family + metalloid family
both added to the conductivity but had only 4% carbon ?
At present... most focus on carbon content or flake.
I'm even prone to favoring carbon, yet...
with further thought - i don't think flake nor carbon addresses the whole story.
Rather - testing raw ore conductivty would provide a definative of conductivty quality.
One could have great looking flakes...
but what if the flake sheets or platlets were silica and not carbide ?
Right ?
Further Reasoning....?
Carbon somehow merges with ( silica and other minerals )
Yet... if we back it up a tad,
Carbon forms crystalites, Crystalines ( both names are used )
It's a partially formed nano crystal. ... to that of a regular sized crystal.
It's at this stage i find interesting.
Does it contain silica or not ?
Or is it just a pure carbon in the shape of what appears as crystal shape ?
I kinda wish they didn't use the word crystal.
Instead... carbon formation into structural geoshape.
I read a 1950's research paper whereas,
they couldn't explain the development due to poor optics.
it's at this pre development stage.
Just at it's infancy, just beginning to build a structure, i find interesting.
Would acids, gases, assist ?
I can't dismiss the thought of gases knowing lab diamonds use, hydrogen gas.
Water = H2 + O ( hydrogen + oxygen )
Other Species of Crystal uses water....to compound the crystal to grow.
Why is this important ?
All because silica is an insulator.
If graphite / carbon are superb conductors.... silica can't be present.
Therefore... it could point to,
Carbon, Graphite crystals are formed without silica crystal involvement.
All other metals, salts, form their own crystal structures.
Yet...if carbon is organic, forms crystals, then... how can this be ?
It would mean all organics where imprinted with code inwhich it can merge
with inorganics known as, metals.
Or more like.... no such thing as inorganic.
Everything is, organic and water, gases, temps, evolve crystal formations.
I'm at this stage of thought... yes, more resesrch.
Thought i'd share a few thoughts...
Stew... sift those 19 million tonne cores for 2% - 6.5% Cgr
Our peers use these grades - hence - why they have more Cgr tonnage
Slap a map up on website showing drill placements distance from outlined resource
Please and Thank you