Post by
Tradingvet55 on Apr 29, 2020 3:30pm
Positive EBIDTA
Bizzare the share price is down on good financials showing positive EBITDA. Seems like they are close to profitability soon and may be one of the only companies in the sector to do so. Time will tell how long the share price stays at these low levels before it gets the recognition it deserves based on their impressive turn around numbers. Still quietly adding before the big run up as I'm assuming this is on the radar of many big institutions.
Comment by
kijiji on Apr 29, 2020 6:33pm
Yes, down on good news.. Looks like weed stocks have put such a beating on so many investors that not many want to jump back in yet... or for a long time?
Comment by
satchmo3 on May 01, 2020 2:11pm
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