......at best 50/50 right/wrong and they usually work for some deep pockets IMO.
So, the party was over. I missed that 2.40 and bailed out at 2.27. I’m back at 1.97 and I think this stock under 2 is a steal. Reflects about 50% of its book value as per Q2. Its technology is the only alternative for the recent global anti-fracking campaign. Remember that they already have contracts with Europe where environmental issues are much more seriously addressed. BOD is working on management related problem and once CEO is picked we should jump to 2.50 right away IMO. If NA ignores us Europe will have no choice (for its density) but to appreciate our technology and we are first in this fracking problem solving run. Although I don’t see much of a chance to benefit in the long run from possible monopoly this technology probably will enjoy, for that we’re too small, we I think will be scooped up by a bigger entity (either NAan or European) for a nice premium paid. Feels like that last run to 2.40 was killed by somebody who is circling over our heads and don’t want it to slip out of his reach. Good luck to longs and squeeze to shorts.