Comment by
lechmeir on Mar 26, 2020 9:37am
How did the control group do?
Comment by
lechmeir on Mar 26, 2020 10:27am
peschenlo. My thoughts exactly.
Comment by
Donhow on Mar 26, 2020 12:06pm
We’re talking about a drug that is approved for use and has been for decades, not an experimental drug that should be tested on humans. All medical people say it should work on Covid and the doctors who have used it think it does work. You just have to pretend you are going on a holiday where malaria is a threat, and take it as a precaution.
Comment by
vestor111 on Mar 26, 2020 1:49pm
Seriously Go Away - arthristis!?! vs maybe death? My friend uses it for arthritis and he said it is the lowest form of treatment for arthritis. There are much stronger solutions available if needed. And factories around the world are cranking up production. But sure - not political. Right.